Drita Aliatim
Linda Venus
Creating Moments of Meaning and Joy
Serving Northville
Mom has had Alzheimer’s for over 10 years. She was a resident in one of the large, national Assisted Living Facilities for over 2 years. We watched her slowly recede into her shell; there was little interaction between staff and residents. Mom never seemed to smile anymore and she always looked sad. In mid-2014 Mom become very ill. After 5 months we were asked to move Mom to another facility as this facility did not have the manpower or time to care for her. As a family we were beside ourselves as to where to move Mom. I immediately began reaching out to other facilities and I was put in touch with Carolyn Anderson and THRIVE.
We were so excited to think that Mom would actually be living in a real “house” again. The atmosphere is loving, warm and compassionate. THRIVE is a fully functioning home. The house is clean and always neat. All meals are homemade and delicious. The kitchen table is the gathering place, breakfast and lunch are eaten there and dinner is at the dining room table. One Monday a month is “spa” day where a hairdresser comes in for cuts, shampoo and styling, manicures, pedicures and a whole lot of pampering. Family and friends are encouraged to treat THRIVE like their home. The THRIVE Philosophy is LOVE, HUGS and LAUGHTER and more LOVE, HUGS and LAUGHTER.
Although Mom will never get “better” Carolyn and her staff have given her and the other residents a PURPOSE. They have “chores”, help with the meals, make cookies, decorate for holidays and if there is a reason to have a “party," you can bet you’ll find one planned.
With patience, a calm resolve, and a whole lot of LOVE, Mom seems happy and is physically the healthiest we have seen her in years. We have watched her THRIVE. She smiles, talks, sings and participates in whatever may be going on. I often said to friends and family, it takes special people to care for Dementia/Alzheimer patients. Spend 10 minutes at THRIVE and you will notice the difference in the residents due to the caregivers and the level of care.